Home / Travel / South Dakota 2012 65
A driving vacation from Pennsylvania to South Dakota in August 2012, with visits to Fort Pierre National Grassland, Badlands National Park, and Custer State Park.
- Day game in the stands
- Walking the bases
- She scores!
- 20120729-K10D-17091
- Say "Corn!"
- Corn-cessions
- 20120729-K10D-17106
- 20120729-K10D-17113
- 20120730-K10D-18872
- 20120730-K10D-18904
- Barbed wire
- Carwash and Casino
- 20120730-K10D-18995
- Moonrise and wildflowers
- 20120730-K10D-19038
- 20120730-K10D-19108
- 20120731-K10D-19179
- Upland Sandpiper
- Sage Creek Rainbow
- Door, Minuteman Missile National Historic Site